Friday, 18 March 2011

Wisdom of the Week – You Can Heal the Planet

Taken from ‘The Second Sparky Book of Hours’ by Lucian Eyers ©

On March 11th 2011 a huge earthquake hit Japan killing thousands of people. This is a time of learning and helping the Japanese people as much as we can. Scientists claimed there was no connection with this earthquake and the earthquake which recently hit New Zealand – the scientists are wrong.
The spiritual community have known for some time that these disasters were to occur. Scientists, governments, the media and corporations are deceiving us all and it is not only ignorance that is the cause of this deception, it is greed and a desire to control.

It is time that people know what is happening and what they can do to help the planet.

A colleague approached me and asked why Japan was suffering such severe disasters as he felt that the Japanese had done nothing wrong. I explained the majority of people are good yet they choose to ignore those who do not honour the planet, as they should. As an example I explained the dolphins were sacred creatures and guardians of the sea, as are the sharks, whales and other creatures. To allow fisherman to butcher these creatures along with other animals is unacceptable and huge karmic debt will accrue. Taking more than people need such as over-fishing species such as tuna, is part of this debt.

It is also wrong to use nuclear energy when there are other forms of clean renewable energy, which are not potentially dangerous or produce dangerous waste products as nuclear energy does. It is therefore no coincidence that both these industries, the fishing and nuclear industries have been targeted with the recent earthquake and tsunami. Nature has intervened in several ways. While the tsunami has hit the north East of Japan, millions of huge jelly fish “..have been floating into the Sea of Japan and wreaking havoc on the Japanese fishing industry. These Giant jellyfish reduce fish catches by clogging and bursting nets, stinging netted fish and thereby spoiling or killing the catch and requiring increased labor to remove jellyfish from nets. In 2009, Giant jellyfish capsized a Japanese trawler carrying three fishermen, who were all rescued.” 1.

The Japanese are not the only ones who will suffer huge disasters. We will all have to repay our debts for spiritual cleansing to take place. This will be across the whole world – the UK is not excluded. I recall three UK leaders in a pre-election debate – Brown, Cameron and Clegg admitting that nuclear energy would be an option for them. At the time my wife and I could not believe the lack of foresight these leaders showed and it has sadly taken something like this earthquake before people begin to see sense.

Cleansing comes in the form of fire and water. We will experience both. America has a huge problem with guns for example. Many people will be shooting each other and themselves when they struggle to survive. Food, fresh water and a means of shelter will be their motive for taking such desperate measures. Only when people are forced to change will the gun culture end.

What have we done wrong? 
Government leaders say nature is being cruel to us. This is ignorance. The disasters are the consequence of us being cruel to nature. If we don’t stop we will perish. The list of what we have done wrong is a long one and most of us know that man is flawed. It is important not to feel ashamed for all of us are here on Earth to learn and we are only here, because we are not perfect. Therefore, I wish to focus on what we can do to heal the planet rather than dwell on our mishaps. It is easy to place blame on our leaders or on corporations. However, we allowed them to control us and we invested in their industry. It is said that we attract the leaders we deserve; therefore change must come from us.

In the simplest terms we must do everything for the higher good. If we are using a technology that we discover is damaging, then we must do everything we can to change this. It is easy to turn a blind eye because we will be inconvenienced. However, if we discover for example that the bird, bee, dolphin, whale and fish population is depleting and showing signs of distress because for example, the mobile phone masts and satellites are affecting their navigation systems, then we must stop using them. If we know animals and fish are being farmed unethically then we must stop supporting these industries. If we know that the fossil fuels are polluting the atmosphere to the point that they are causing global warming, then we must look to other ways. If people continue to buy petrol and diesel cars then that industry will continue to produce them.  We can make a difference.

Change means doing things differently. Here are a few things you can do to make a big difference.

• Source everything ethically and begin making what you can and growing your own vegetables. The key is independence.

• Grow organically and do not use pesticides, fungicides, weed killers and artificial fertilisers etc.,

• Think independently. Don’t let the media or advertising dictate to you.

• Spend time in conversation or being creative.

• Do not judge others. None of us understand the difficulties people have endured to make them what they are. 

• Offer people love and forgiveness – particularly those who have found themselves in difficulties.

• Give help to those who ask of it and expect nothing in return.

• When you hear of people suffering, send aid if you can and send them courage and healing – your thoughts are powerful, so use them for the higher good.

• Finally, be honest in your words and actions.

My picture above illustrates a poem from my book ‘The Second Sparky Book of Hours,’ called ‘Acts of God.’ This poem relates to a president who confirmed he wished to spend his resources not on fighting world poverty but fighting terrorism. The president in question was President George W. Bush. Shortly after his press statement in August 2005 Hurricane Katrina struck his own country leaving thousands of his own people hungry and homeless. More than 1,800 people died.

I have included my poem below.

1. UPI.COM Published: March. 9, 2011

Acts of God

There are such things as acts of God,
But here’s the big surprise,
Just what we do upon this earth,
Reflects upon the sky.

A lightning burst at very worst,
Will strike what it can see.
So stay away from angry words,
Nor shelter under tree.

There are such things as acts of God,
But God won’t interfere.
Yet what of famine, fire and floods?
Bears heavy on my ears.

On Thursday morning, 9am,
The President decreed,
“The starving millions on this earth,
We can no longer feed.

Instead the fight on evil men,
Must be our common aim.”
But by next morning on his land,
The floods and famine came.

For fighting only fuels a fear,
That some may choose to keep.
Yet food will prove we paid the price,
So children may not weep.

I understand confusion may,
Be clouding up your mind.
Just when it’s God and when it’s not,
Is hard to thus define.

Just don’t assume He’s angry,
When the lightning strikes above.
The key to solve this puzzle is,
Remember, God is love.

There’s consequence in all we do,
And all we do will tell,
If on this earth we live in peace,
Or die in living Hell.

A Final Thought – How else can I help?

The flow of information is like the flow of money. If we block the flow, we place stress on others and ourselves.
Therefore, I ask you to do the opposite to what you would normally do. Therefore, I ask you to send this blog address on to anyone you know.
For the world to change, we must change. There are several reasons why you may not wish to do this. The reasons would be based on ego, fear and or apathy.
Ego could be for example, “He’s just interested in selling his own books, besides I should be doing something like this myself.”
Fear may be, “I think a lot of what he says makes sense, but I don’t want my friends to think I’m some kind of spiritual nutter.”
Apathy is simply, “I can’t be bothered.”
Replace these thoughts with unconditional love, trust and believing in the power of yourself.
My guardian angel once told me I was very persuasive – I wonder if he’s right.  


  1. My boyfriend and I were talking about this yesterday - everything you say above is so true. Thank you for this Lucian.

  2. Dear Kathleen,
    Thank you for your kind words. Your comment and courage helps much to raise the vibration of the planet.
    With love and light

  3. there is indeed consequnce in all we do - loving your wisdom and spiritual agony uncle yes! well done for doing something positive and beautifully creative as always - love to you both x

  4. Dear Rita,
    What a wonderful comment – thank you. It is interesting to see the feminine concsiousness accepts these ideas open heartedly, yet I understand the masculine concsiousness believes I have been too harsh on the Japanese. It is not so. I do not wish to see these people die in vain, so we then do not learn from the consequences of our actions.
    I am delighted to see your flame still burns brightly.
    With love and light
