Friday 8 April 2011

Wisdom of the Week – The Animal Kingdom

From ‘The Sparky Book of Hours’ by Lucian Eyers © 2008

Animals are here for many reasons. They are here to teach us and also they are on Earth to learn. The difficulties and joys of experiencing a physical body on such a low frequency planet such as Earth, are extremely challenging and can reap the rewards of huge spiritual growth. Animals are also here to spiritually guide us. 

For many people animals do not possess a soul and are here merely to provide a service and a food source for us – this is wrong. Such a mind-set is born out of ignorance, arrogance and convenience. But this is about to change. Once we realise these gentle creatures can teach us much and should be treated with honour, we will then take responsibility for our actions.

This week saw the touching images of Anne the elephant, who through public protest had been freed: 

“After 54 years of performing and relentless touring, Anne has begun her long overdue retirement in a tranquil, 13-acre enclosure in the beautifully landscaped grounds of Longleat Safari Park in Wiltshire.

It couldn’t be more of a contrast to the home where she has lived for the past half century — a corrugated metal compound, littered with animal droppings, owned by the Bobby Roberts Super Circus.

Over the past year, she was shackled by one foot, stabbed with a pitchfork and kicked in her painfully arthritic leg by a monstrous Romanian groom called Nicolae, who has now fled the country.” 1.

So why did this beautiful creature have to endure such cruelty?

Many of us will be faced with difficult challenges in our life; some of these are known as ‘initiations’. These challenges help us to move spiritually forward very quickly. Initiations can also help to raise the human consciousness to a higher level. The initiation for Anne the elephant, was to show people that animals are not here to be exploited and so change the fate of many creatures like her. Anne’s mission has been successful. Millions of people across the globe read her touching story and now Longleat Safari Park with the aid of a newspaper that covered the story, has set up a trust for more victims like Anne the elephant.

If these animals have souls – what happens when they die?

This depends. Sometimes they come back again as an animal, but in many cases they will come back in a human form. But this is only part of the story. I will let Diana Cooper explain a little more from her book, ‘Angel Answers’. “Like human souls, those of animals eventually return to their planet of origin to take back the learning they have absorbed during their incarnation on Earth and to help the planet develop. Before they do this, many spend time in the healing planes to recover from their ordeals or sickness. They may visit those they have loved who are now in spirit or even still alive. And of course, their souls will assess their lives and decide on the next stage of their soul journey.” 2.

Some animals will ascend in their own form, for example a horse, which can ascend to become a ‘Unicorn’ – the title of my blog for next week.

So you may ask, how can animals begin to teach us?

All we need to do is look.

• Elephants like Anne display the qualities of the gentle giant – both powerful and sensitive, yet they show strong family commitments and understand the merits of playfulness.

• The bee teaches us what we can achieve when we work together and the wonders of sacred geometry, connecting us with the Universe.

• A dog will offer us unconditional love and demonstrate profound loyalty.

• A cat shows us the importance of relaxation, contentment and acute observation. They also teach us independence.

• A horse teaches us the qualities of kindness, calmness and a sense of beauty.

• The birds show us that flight can be achieved in a physical form and display a sense of freedom and jubilation. From the heron we learn patience and from the robin we can learn bravery and trust. The swallow displays grace and stamina.

• The spider illustrates unrivalled perseverance and the butterfly is the embodiment of transformation or change.

• The dolphins bear testament that there are creatures wiser than ourselves. They teach us caution regarding arrogance in believing we are more superior to all other species. Throughout history and even today they are known to have saved people from drowning, which is a quality of compassion.

The list is very long and the signs are all around us. Every creature has an angelic guide responsible for looking after it. Therefore, in God’s eyes we are all important – only different.

Why are we reading about and seeing so much abuse of animals?

There is much negative energy and aggression that needs to be addressed. The frustration of the aggressor focuses on attacking gentle beings, not only animals but also people. Once an animal or human dies from such abuse they take negative energy with them. This allows for enormous spiritual growth for the abused soul. At a higher soul level, these animals and people have pre-agreed to sacrifice themselves so they can make the rest of us aware of human cruelty. We can begin then to improve the way we treat all living things. These deeds will lift the vibration of the planet.

How do we view eating meat?

As we move further into 2012, we will have less need for heavy foods which are difficult to digest. Because our vibration will lift, we will wish to honour animals more and so the need to kill them for food or sport will diminish. Some of us will still eat fish, but we will fish for only what we need.

In the meantime, how do we look at a food source we have so heavily relied upon?

• One of the questions I have answered already above – take only what you need.

• Be grateful and thank the animal for giving up its life for you.

•  Buy responsibly. Do not encourage battery-farmed food. Always purchase free-range and organic when possible. This does not guarantee the produce is wholly and ethically farmed, but it is a start.

• Bless your food – for this will raise the frequency of what you are eating and help the soul of the animal that has passed over.

• Be independent and lead by example. Begin to produce your own food for this will do much by reducing the necessity for packaging, additives and pesticides in food production, which is key to healing our planet.

If you have done any or all of the above – the last thought I leave with you – is be patient. The need to change is within us all. But we must learn that change can only happen when we are truly ready.

The picture above is from my book ‘The Sparky Book of Hours.’ It illustrates a poem I wrote called ‘Sausages’. I often find this poem useful as a short reminder to be grateful for my food. I hope you too find it helpful.


Pray let us talk of sausages,
For talking they cannot.
Except for hissing messages,
When feeling rather hot.

The smell is so delectable,
The flavour quite incredible,
But thanking them’s exceptional,
For banqueting my plate.

I hear another wailing sound,
This time it’s one of guilt.
But gratitude, for all our food,
Redeems the blood that spilt.

From ‘The Sparky Book of Hours’ by Lucian Eyers © 2008

1. MailOnline Tuesday, Apr 05 2011A day this elephant will never forget: Anne's retirement begins as campaign to build haven for circus animals is launched”.
2. Angel Answers by Diana Cooper, p. 253 ‘Where do souls of animals go when they die?’

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