Friday, 29 April 2011

Wisdom of the Week – Sex, Drugs and Religion: Part 1 Religion

  Lucian Eyers © 2010

You may wonder why I have grouped these three topics together. But they all share common themes. These range from confusion and corruption to purpose and compassion. I will attempt to remove some of the confusion surrounding these subjects.

Today saw the royal marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton. This religious ceremony showed a profound commitment, made in the eyes of God. It was also the opportunity for joyful celebration amongst two billion people across the planet. It was a wonderful example of where the process of religion is displayed at its very best. ‘Will the marriage last?” some people have asked. It will – for three reasons.

It was undertaken by two mature people, they clearly love each other and it was a decision made of their own free will.

Last week on Easter Sunday the great Indian spiritual leader the Sia Baba died. “The 84-year-old's death on Sunday triggered an outpouring of grief from followers who included Indian politicians, movie stars, athletes and industrialists. Most remembered him as a pious, selfless person who worked to help others with the billions of dollars donated to his charitable trust. However, he had also been dismissed by some in the past as a charlatan who passed off magic tricks as miracles.”1

Considered by many to be the most spiritually advanced person on Earth, the Sia Baba wisely did not promote one religion above another. Because of his success, there were some who tried to disgrace him, claiming he also sexually abused some of his devotees. Clearly his accusers were in a minority, fearful of losing their own devotees or unable to accept different views and abilities. Sai Baba’s abilities benefited many people:

“The crowning achievement of the foundation's charitable work was its funding for the renovation of the Kandaleru-Poondi canal to carry drinking water more than 100 miles to Chennai (formerly Madras) city at a cost of £1bn. This and other projects brought clean water to almost two million people in various drought-prone areas of southern India.”2

The Sia Baba once said, “Man equals God minus ego.” It is this understanding that the process of selfishness and arrogance will leave us vulnerable to the worst part of ourselves. Do not think that ego is a state of self-preservation. It is self-worth which allows you to love both yourself and others. The Sia Baba was known to have declared, "I am God. And you too are God. The only difference between you and Me is that while I am aware of it, you are completely unaware."
The Sia Baba meant he was part of God and was living proof of what we can be if we truly believe in ourselves.

After writing last week’s Easter blog on ‘Happiness’ I was very pleased that I had been able to include two belief systems in one text – Christianity and Judaism. A friend of mine who is a practising Jew emailed me in response to this blog stating, “For you it’s logically possible to do this, given that your faith considers Judaism its mother religion.”

I responded by saying, I can do this because I embrace any religion that promotes love, tolerance and acceptance and I mean any religion. But I have no need to choose one above another to follow. God loves us all and we are all of God. The most dangerous scenario that can be adopted is to compare. This makes us either smug or inadequate – much better to accept that being different is beautiful in itself.”

So is religion good for us?

We have had countless generations of determined people usually male, who have tried to tell people how they should live their lives. Therefore, I am reluctant to do the same. The choice must be our own. I know what is good for me, but that may not be good for you. What I can say is, if your chosen belief system promotes compassion and love to all, then it is good. If however, it is intent on exploiting and controlling others, then it is not.

It is important to remember that we are here on Earth to learn. Therefore, from a higher soul level we have chosen the right environment in order to learn certain lessons. Different belief systems present different challenges. Each carries its opposite, so for example the opposite to fear is trust.

• The Catholic faith for example promotes transcending to a higher place but encourages guilt from the confession of sin to matters of birth control.

• The Buddhist faith teaches peace and to honour all living things. But coupled with this is a need to suppress our emotions before we are perhaps ready. This leads to anger and frustration.

• The Jewish faith has on one hand a sense of worth believing they are the chosen people, but then often experience rejection which can lead to a lack of self-worth.

• The Islamic faith promotes peace and tolerance. Its sense of faith is very strong, but sometimes to the point that it questions nothing. This leads to manipulation which will generate frustration and then anger.

• The Protestant faith teaches us to love unconditionally and to forgive those who persecute us. But, it is dominated by intermediaries who do not promote the act of tolerance to all.

• The Hindu faith endorses a great sense of tolerance, accepting many belief systems. The spiritual icons the religion worships are countless, but the result leads to much confusion.

• The Pagan or folk religion understands we are all of one. They honour the Earth as well as the Father. However, this can lead to blind superstition rather than accepting that consequence is the result of action.

• Spiritualism focuses on moving towards ascension, but can also distract us from remaining grounded.

Remember there is no such thing as ‘better’ only ‘different’ – accept all is as it should be in order for us to learn.

So what about the atheist and agnostic?

This will teach independence. However, the ability to believe in something that you can only see or hear will hinder spiritual development. This can often lead to selfishness and frustration, as there will be many occasions out of one’s control and the need for faith and trust will be necessary. Even the agnostic and famous scientific cosmologist and astronomer Carl Sagan said, “An atheist has to know an awful lot more than I do. An atheist is someone who knows there is no god. By some definitions atheism is very stupid.”

Am I suggesting a spiritual path opposed to organised religion?

It matters not what belief system you decide on, but you would be wise to follow your own path. Do not judge others that choose another route to you.

It is however the case that as we move further into 2012, more people will replace organised religion with a spiritual philosophy. This is largely due to the dogma that organised religion currently adopts.

I have included one of my poems which is based on a true story about a lady vicar in a small village. The poem is taken from my book, ‘The Angel Book of Hours,’ and is called, ‘The Vicar of Little Sawing’. My illustration for the poem is at the top. This true story is a reminder of how we must not believe everything we read, no matter where it is written. It suggests also we should be realistic about people and understand that even with the greatest of intentions, the writings of any sacred script are not always guided by the hand of God.

The Vicar of Little Sawing

A shaft of light through coloured glass,
So radiantly appeared.
The flowers blossomed in the aisle,
“We’re Godly people here.”

The warden said, “For forty years,
I’ve cleaned my little church.
And though I’m quite disgusted,
I won’t leave God in the lurch.”

“Well forty years is nothing,
I have been here all my life,
For once I was baptised in here,
And later as a wife.”

The lady thus continued,
“This new notion’s quite insane,
I’m such a Godly person,
You won’t see me here again.”

The congregation dwindled,
Some would visit only when,
The vicar had decided,
It was time to visit friends.

But still the warden cleaned the church,
Yet on his favourite book,
He left the pages open,
Just so everyone could look.

“For here it says,” he muttered,
“Only men should preach in church,
And I am an authority,
For I’ve done much research.”

Some days an open window
Sent a breeze that turned the page.
But by the evening’s visit,
It was turned again in rage.

The vicar left it as it was,
“Let people have their views,
For I can understand why some
Will not embrace this news.”

The warden though was angry,
She’s provoking me he thought.
And so he then decided,
That a lesson should be taught.

He stuck the pages down and so
Exposed and bathed in light,
But as the dust and years appeared,
The pages turned to white.

“I’ve dedicated many years,
In service to you Lord,
So why have you now taken words,
That show what we deplore?”

His guardian angel thus appeared,
“God’s messenger I am.
I’m here because you asked,
And so to help you understand.

What right have you, to say just who,
Should be, or should be not?
The word of God is tolerance,
Or have you now forgot?

You say you know God’s words,
Though like a parrot you recite.
Yet proof you do not have,
That these are words our Lord did write.

The prejudice of Man,
Was not invented just by you,
But spans the many centuries,
To when this book was new.

The word of God is clear,
It’s up to you to siphon out,
His voice of love and reason,
Or reject Man’s lies and doubt.”

‘The Vicar of Little Sawing’ taken from ‘The Angel Book of Hours’ by Lucian Eyers © 2010

1. Guardian website Tuesday 26 April 2011, ‘Thousands queue to pay respects to Sai Baba’.

2. Guardian website Monday 25 April 2011, ‘Sai Baba Obituary’.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Wisdom of the Week – Happiness

  Lucian Eyers © 2011

Ask most people what they wish for in life and the answer is very likely to be happiness. To achieve this state of consciousness, it is essential to be content with what you have and with who you are. Being happy is the ability to radiate pure love to everyone and everything around you. I hope that at the end of this blog you will be a little closer to finding this. Some of you may have already done so.

Because of the demanding tests that Earth presents to us, it is no surprise that a campaign spearheaded by ‘Action for Happiness’ highlighted a huge number of Britons who are unhappy. The reasons the action group gave ranged from a lack of human interaction, poor diet and focusing on acquiring more.

In the same week Bolivia has passed a new law, which is the first of its kind, extending legal rights to our natural Earth. Known as ‘The Law of Mother Nature’, it upholds the principles that nature has the same rights as we do, not to be violated through greed but treated with respect and protected.

"Bolivians have long revered the Pachamama Andean goddess of Mother Earth, and the law is said to be greatly inspired by a resurgence in the indigenous belief that the deity is central to all life. As Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera said when describing the measure, 'Earth is the mother of all...the harmony [between man and nature] must be preserved as a guarantee of its regeneration'." 1

Bolivians have been driven out of their countryside dwellings to find work and food in the city due to the disastrous effects of global warming. Their crops are dying, their livestock are becoming diseased due to the rise in temperature which encourages insects and they are desperate for water. The glaciers that once provided a source of water from the mountains have in some areas completely dried up.

The Bolivians have lived very simple lives and blame the West for their plight, saying they are responsible for global warming. The Bolivians say they need help but they stand alone. America recently withdrew its aid to Bolivia shortly after being criticised by the Bolivians that it was a major contributor to global warming.

So what has this got to do with happiness? 
You would be quite right to conclude – not a great deal as it may not seem obvious. The situation is serious and can only become worse if we allow it. The Bolivians are a spiritual nation who have lived closely to the Earth. They are known for blessing the land and showing gratitude for the bounty they receive, but this is not enough as the Bolivian situation shows.
We are all connected and everything we do makes a huge difference not only to us, but to the planet and to the cosmos as well.

So what will happen next?
This is a warning, just like the recent disasters in New Zealand, Australia, Japan and all the other countries that are currently suffering the effects of global cleansing. This week,
“Residents in North Carolina, where 62 tornadoes were reported to have hit, woke up to find bodies strewn across the ground, homes ripped from their foundations and power lines downed. It was the states worst spring storm in 20 years with officials tallying 21 dead, more than 130 seriously injured, 65 homes destroyed and 600 significantly damaged.” 2

Since then the death toll has risen to 45. Everything happens for a reason. ‘Effect’ is the consequence of ‘cause.’ Therefore, if we refuse to change our old destructive habits by continuing to abuse the planet and not helping those who suffer – then we too will experience great hardship.

At present we are in a position to help, we can start by being grateful for what we have.

There was a great Man who understood the pathway to happiness. The picture above is my illustration for a poem I wrote called ‘Friday,’ taken from my book, ‘The Angel Book of Hours.’ In my poem it highlights our enthusiasm for this day.

Friday is a day of hope, anticipation, joy, rest and the freedom to spend the weekend as you wish. But imagine if every day was like Friday. Imagine this long enough and it can happen. The poem ‘Friday’ is about taking control of our lives. It is creating balance and understanding we all need, to have purpose and interact with others. But that work should not dominate our lives.

The subject of my poem was a great spiritual leader who once said, ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself'.3  Once we learn to truly love ourselves, then this thing He asks – is not so very difficult to do.


If I controlled the working week,
The days upon a diary’s sheet,
Would still contain as number seven,
Sunday as a day of Heaven.

Monday would be gone from sight,
Explaining that it left that night.
Tuesday’s place is as it should,
A little work is always good.

Wednesday, I declare today
Will be a public holiday.
Thursday, back to work again,
To give the clouds a chance to rain.

So now I’ll pause, for some applause,
A trumpet and a drum of course.
The day of promised fun and rest,
The day that workers love the best. 

The day that drains our woes and fuss,
The day that Jesus died for us.

Friday’ is taken from ‘The Angel Book of Hours,’ by Lucian Eyers © 2011

At a soul level we may all request difficult tests that will help both others and ourselves to spiritually grow.

On this day The Christ undertook one of the most difficult ‘initiations’ any soul could bear. His crucifixion amongst other things showed us there is life after death and that we take both our successes and our failings with us when we depart. Once we act responsibly, life becomes smooth and joyful – the result is happiness.

My wife Clare has an interesting topical recipe that will also help improve your life. For happiness comes not only from what we think, but naturally from what we eat as well.

Essene bread

Here is a little physical and spiritual nourishment to celebrate Good Friday and Easter. Try making bread from a recipe which is about 2000 years old and from around the time of Christ. Essene bread is an ancient recipe which appeared in a first century Aramaic manuscript, ‘The Essene Gospel of Peace’ Book 1. The Essenes were a Jewish religious group at this time, (from the second century BCE to the first century CE). They devoted themselves to a lifestyle of communal living, purity and piety.

The bread is very economical, simple to make, highly nutritious and tasty. It is made from sprouted whole grains of wheat and prepared at a low temperature and can even be baked in the rays of the sun. It can also be made with a proportion of sprouted whole rye grains.
For two reasons Essene bread is an alternate form of bread to other breads: It is far more beneficial to the body – it does not cause fermentation in the intestines, which like most breads result in gas and discomfort and because the sprouting process releases extra nutrients, it maximizes on the vitamin content of the bread.

However, the most delightful way to savour the spiritual content of this bread is to contemplate how the bread was made all those years ago, as so poetically described by ‘The Essene Gospel of Peace’.

“Let the angels of God prepare your bread. Moisten your wheat, that the angels of water may enter it. Then set it in the air, that the angel of air may embrace it. And leave it from morning to evening beneath the sun, that the angel of sunshine may descend upon it. And the blessings of the three angels will soon make the germ of life to sprout in your wheat. Then crush your grain, and make thin wafers, as did your forefathers when they departed out of Egypt, the house of bondage. Put them back again beneath the sun from its appearing, and when it is risen to its highest in the heavens, turn them over on the other side that they may be embraced there also by the angel of sunshine, and leave them there until the sun sets. For the angels of water, and air and of sunshine fed and ripened the wheat in the field, and they likewise must prepare also your bread. And the same sun which, with the fire of life, made the wheat to grow and ripen, must cook your bread with the same fire. For the fire of the sun gives life to the wheat, to the bread, and to the body. But the fire of death kills the wheat, the bread, and the body. And the living angels of the living God serve only living men. For God is the God of the living, and not the God of the dead.” 4

With this in mind, how can you not make something special?

Method for one loaf
Firstly soak two cupfuls of wholegrain wheat, in four cupfuls of water in a sprouting box overnight. The wheat should be uncooked and organic, (organic spelt grain is ideal). Drain the water off the next day, leave to sprout in a warm, dark room and rinse with cool water at least twice a day. Ensure the grains are well drained each time and shake gently to keep the grains separate. By about three to four days the grains will have grown long tails and stems. When they taste sweet they are ready to use. You do not need to rinse on the last occasion as it will make the dough too wet. Then as the original recipe states, crush the sprouts to a fine pulp, either by hand in a mortar and pestle or a grinder or food processor until the dough is quite thick, sticks to itself and is mottled in colour. You can add a small amount of soaked or well moistened fruits, nuts or other ingredients at this stage, such as honey or spices.

Take up a couple of handfuls of dough and knead, working out the air pockets and shape into flattened round shapes, like the sun. The rounds can now sit for an hour or so on grease-proof paper before baking. If the sun is not hot enough in your part of world, then slow baking in the oven to simulate the sun at 100 degrees celcius for about two hours, or even better for longer in a slow cooker at a lower temperature. Half way through the baking, turn the loaf over to allow for an even bake. You will know whether the bread is ready when it feels firm to the touch and soft inside. It will firm up more as it cools. The bread will last about three days normally and if refridgerated, will last for some weeks.

© Clare Eyers 2011

1. Huffington Post website 13th April 2011 'Bolivia's Law Of Mother Earth Would Give Nature And Humans Equal Protection'. 
2. Metro newspaper Tuesday, 19th April 2011 ‘Recovery begins after deadly storms cause havoc across southern US –Trail of destruction'. 
3. King James Bible “And the second [is] like, [namely] this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.’ Mark 12:31   
4. The excerpt was translated by Edmund Bordeaux Szekely. 

Friday, 15 April 2011

Wisdom of the week – Unicorns

 Lucian Eyers © 2011
For many years I assumed unicorns were mythical characters in books, until one monumental day I discovered their divine energy for myself.
As I was writing this blog, I felt quite ashamed that I had once had these thoughts. My guardian angel Samuel told me to remove these feelings of guilt and to accept. He said this was necessary, in order to teach me patience with others, who have not yet discovered unicorns for themselves.

Saturday saw another Grand National horse race at Aintree watched by 600 million people – two horses died and a jockey is now in hospital in a coma. “On average, three horses a year are fatally injured over the three-day Aintree meeting.1.

The famous racehorse Desert Orchid who retired in December 1991 was valued so much by his owners, they refused to let him participate in this race. For forty horses to leap over some of highest fences in steeplechase racing is dangerous and irresponsible. Animal rights activists are now demanding this race be banned.

So how do we deal with the issue of using animals in sport?

My unicorn guide whose name is Orion, told me that horses were a gift to us and that it was wrong to race them until their limbs were fully mature and strong enough. He said, that all we need to do was be patient and act responsibly. A racehorse will be saddled as a two year old. They are raced at this age because they are very fast. The longer-term prospect for these horses however is not good. Many develop arthritis from racing too young, which so often leads to them being destroyed later.

Anyone who has worked with horses will confirm that once you have gained a horse's trust, it will be so eager to please – it will even die for you. That sort of responsibility is huge and if we abuse it, then that responsibility will be taken away from us.

As I mentioned last week unicorns are horses that have ascended in their own form. They are 7th, 8th and 9th dimensional beings of the angelic kingdom. Those of you who do not understand what dimensional means; in very simple terms, unicorns radiate at a higher frequency than we do, which is why we can not see them. Humans radiate at a 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensional level. It is hoped that many of us will reach a 5th dimensional frequency in this lifetime.

The reason for me deciding to write about unicorns was because of the power they have to bring purity to our planet. They have come in huge numbers to help us. However, just like angels, they cannot contravene the laws of the Universe. Therefore, if you wish for their help or guidance, you must ask them to come in. We have free choice and if we wish to suffer or see others doing so, then we can continue to experience this.

When a horse dies it will either come back as another horse or as I mentioned above, ascend as a unicorn. This will depend on if the horse is ready, just like our own ascension. When a horse reaches the colour white, it’s next life can be that of a unicorn. This is not because white is more superior to other colours, but because white encompasses all colours. Occasionally there are black unicorns.

So what happens to us when we die?

That depends very much on us and how we have lived our life. We are here to learn and if we are unable to master our life’s lessons before we die, then we will have the opportunity again in another life. When we have reached a state of ‘Oneness’, we can then ascend to a higher frequency. A state of ‘Oneness’ means being in control of your emotions and radiating pure love to everything and everyone. It is a place of serene calmness, feeling totally connected not only with the Earth but with the cosmos as well. Incidentally this includes treating all nature with honour.

So do we become angels?

No angels are highly developed spiritual beings of the angelic kingdom. Our role when we die is as it is in this life – to continue to grow. However if we wish we can become spirit guides to help others. As we develop as guides, so too does the level of responsibility we are given.

So how can unicorns help us?

A friend of mine told me this week that he had done what I suggested and asked for the name of his unicorn guide to be revealed to him. My friend said the name he was given was ‘Paloma’ which means dove. I told him this was definitely a feminine energy and he agreed. I suggested to him that he finds a quiet moment and close his eyes. Then to ask Paloma to step forward and imagine her horn of light pointing towards his third eye. The third eye is the chakra or sacred point between your eyes. I then said that once you have asked her a question, trust in the response you receive. The same can work for you.

Because of the purity and great wisdom of the unicorns, they can heal the deepest wounds. They will also help you to manifest your dreams, if indeed your goals are for the higher good of all.

In December of last year (2010), a very old horse that we had owned and loved for many years passed on. Her name was ‘Golden Florimel’, as she had a beautiful golden coat – we called her Flori.

A few weeks before Flori died, my spirit guides prompted me to take a photo of her late one evening. This I did and was astonished to discover there had been a large angel orb around her head. The orb was of Archangel Gabriel who was giving healing to her and bringing clarity to her confused state of mind. An orb is a disc of light which could be an angel, unicorn or other spiritual being. It is now possible to see these amazing energies due to digital photography.

My angel and spirit guides suggested I take this picture knowing this would be of comfort to my wife and myself.
In that week Flori became very confused and although she was lame on one leg, she started spinning around in circles. We tried but we could not stop her. The healing we had given her in the past did not work this time and we were desperate to know what to do.

I asked the unicorns for help and then I had a very strong feeling to go inside. Then I was told to look up where I saw my painting I had recently finished of a Pegasus, which is the picture above. A Pegasus is a unicorn with its heart centre open and I was reminded to open my heart.

I then walked back out into the yard and stood in front of Flori who was still spinning round in circles. I imagined great white wings on my back and as I invoked the white light of healing, I saw my heart centre open as it had never done before. A great surge of light flowed from my heart centre into our horse. Florimel finally stood still. We all have the power to heal when we open our hearts.

Florimel died two days later. We found her one morning lying in her stable unable to get up and we knew it was her time to go. We then made a decision, which was against our principles and asked the vet to put her to sleep. Our decision was from the same heart that now told us her life in this world had come to an end.

For those who wonder if we made the right decision regarding putting her to sleep, the answer is the same for any decision we make. If we were to put our horse down for money reasons or for convenience, for example, then we would accrue karmic debt. But if the act was done out of love, then we would not.
It is also the case that when we pass over, we will have the opportunity to see our Golden Florimel again.

 1. Mail Online 10th April 2011 ‘Aintree's darkest day: Critically ill jockey fights for life after BBC is accused of Grand National 'carnage coverup' over deaths of horses’

Friday, 8 April 2011

Wisdom of the Week – The Animal Kingdom

From ‘The Sparky Book of Hours’ by Lucian Eyers © 2008

Animals are here for many reasons. They are here to teach us and also they are on Earth to learn. The difficulties and joys of experiencing a physical body on such a low frequency planet such as Earth, are extremely challenging and can reap the rewards of huge spiritual growth. Animals are also here to spiritually guide us. 

For many people animals do not possess a soul and are here merely to provide a service and a food source for us – this is wrong. Such a mind-set is born out of ignorance, arrogance and convenience. But this is about to change. Once we realise these gentle creatures can teach us much and should be treated with honour, we will then take responsibility for our actions.

This week saw the touching images of Anne the elephant, who through public protest had been freed: 

“After 54 years of performing and relentless touring, Anne has begun her long overdue retirement in a tranquil, 13-acre enclosure in the beautifully landscaped grounds of Longleat Safari Park in Wiltshire.

It couldn’t be more of a contrast to the home where she has lived for the past half century — a corrugated metal compound, littered with animal droppings, owned by the Bobby Roberts Super Circus.

Over the past year, she was shackled by one foot, stabbed with a pitchfork and kicked in her painfully arthritic leg by a monstrous Romanian groom called Nicolae, who has now fled the country.” 1.

So why did this beautiful creature have to endure such cruelty?

Many of us will be faced with difficult challenges in our life; some of these are known as ‘initiations’. These challenges help us to move spiritually forward very quickly. Initiations can also help to raise the human consciousness to a higher level. The initiation for Anne the elephant, was to show people that animals are not here to be exploited and so change the fate of many creatures like her. Anne’s mission has been successful. Millions of people across the globe read her touching story and now Longleat Safari Park with the aid of a newspaper that covered the story, has set up a trust for more victims like Anne the elephant.

If these animals have souls – what happens when they die?

This depends. Sometimes they come back again as an animal, but in many cases they will come back in a human form. But this is only part of the story. I will let Diana Cooper explain a little more from her book, ‘Angel Answers’. “Like human souls, those of animals eventually return to their planet of origin to take back the learning they have absorbed during their incarnation on Earth and to help the planet develop. Before they do this, many spend time in the healing planes to recover from their ordeals or sickness. They may visit those they have loved who are now in spirit or even still alive. And of course, their souls will assess their lives and decide on the next stage of their soul journey.” 2.

Some animals will ascend in their own form, for example a horse, which can ascend to become a ‘Unicorn’ – the title of my blog for next week.

So you may ask, how can animals begin to teach us?

All we need to do is look.

• Elephants like Anne display the qualities of the gentle giant – both powerful and sensitive, yet they show strong family commitments and understand the merits of playfulness.

• The bee teaches us what we can achieve when we work together and the wonders of sacred geometry, connecting us with the Universe.

• A dog will offer us unconditional love and demonstrate profound loyalty.

• A cat shows us the importance of relaxation, contentment and acute observation. They also teach us independence.

• A horse teaches us the qualities of kindness, calmness and a sense of beauty.

• The birds show us that flight can be achieved in a physical form and display a sense of freedom and jubilation. From the heron we learn patience and from the robin we can learn bravery and trust. The swallow displays grace and stamina.

• The spider illustrates unrivalled perseverance and the butterfly is the embodiment of transformation or change.

• The dolphins bear testament that there are creatures wiser than ourselves. They teach us caution regarding arrogance in believing we are more superior to all other species. Throughout history and even today they are known to have saved people from drowning, which is a quality of compassion.

The list is very long and the signs are all around us. Every creature has an angelic guide responsible for looking after it. Therefore, in God’s eyes we are all important – only different.

Why are we reading about and seeing so much abuse of animals?

There is much negative energy and aggression that needs to be addressed. The frustration of the aggressor focuses on attacking gentle beings, not only animals but also people. Once an animal or human dies from such abuse they take negative energy with them. This allows for enormous spiritual growth for the abused soul. At a higher soul level, these animals and people have pre-agreed to sacrifice themselves so they can make the rest of us aware of human cruelty. We can begin then to improve the way we treat all living things. These deeds will lift the vibration of the planet.

How do we view eating meat?

As we move further into 2012, we will have less need for heavy foods which are difficult to digest. Because our vibration will lift, we will wish to honour animals more and so the need to kill them for food or sport will diminish. Some of us will still eat fish, but we will fish for only what we need.

In the meantime, how do we look at a food source we have so heavily relied upon?

• One of the questions I have answered already above – take only what you need.

• Be grateful and thank the animal for giving up its life for you.

•  Buy responsibly. Do not encourage battery-farmed food. Always purchase free-range and organic when possible. This does not guarantee the produce is wholly and ethically farmed, but it is a start.

• Bless your food – for this will raise the frequency of what you are eating and help the soul of the animal that has passed over.

• Be independent and lead by example. Begin to produce your own food for this will do much by reducing the necessity for packaging, additives and pesticides in food production, which is key to healing our planet.

If you have done any or all of the above – the last thought I leave with you – is be patient. The need to change is within us all. But we must learn that change can only happen when we are truly ready.

The picture above is from my book ‘The Sparky Book of Hours.’ It illustrates a poem I wrote called ‘Sausages’. I often find this poem useful as a short reminder to be grateful for my food. I hope you too find it helpful.


Pray let us talk of sausages,
For talking they cannot.
Except for hissing messages,
When feeling rather hot.

The smell is so delectable,
The flavour quite incredible,
But thanking them’s exceptional,
For banqueting my plate.

I hear another wailing sound,
This time it’s one of guilt.
But gratitude, for all our food,
Redeems the blood that spilt.

From ‘The Sparky Book of Hours’ by Lucian Eyers © 2008

1. MailOnline Tuesday, Apr 05 2011A day this elephant will never forget: Anne's retirement begins as campaign to build haven for circus animals is launched”.
2. Angel Answers by Diana Cooper, p. 253 ‘Where do souls of animals go when they die?’

Friday, 1 April 2011

Wisdom of the Week – Change

© Lucian Eyers 2011
Without change, we cannot grow. Our bodies will change as the ageing process continues, but if we fail to change our ideas and habits, we cannot spiritually, mentally and emotionally move forward.

Last Friday’s blog described how we are deceived by those who wish to exploit us. The remedy is – change, which is why I have chosen ‘change’ as the subject of this week’s blog.

As we move closer into and beyond 2012, we will be less tolerant of those who deceive us. We will also not be allowed to continue in work that does not fulfil our soul purpose. We are already seeing this as people stand up against dictatorships and are removed from employment through bullying, redundancy or a need to pursue a more rewarding life.
When we fail to make the changes that are necessary to move forward, then change is forced upon us.

This week a friend told me that his tenant had trashed the flat he rents out and that he now felt a great sense of injustice. He said, “We have been good landlords and don’t deserve this.” 

I suggested to him that he was taking the incident personally and he agreed. I explained to my friend that it may be wise to let go of the stress and burden of his second property and invest his energy and resources in his one home. I explained that everything happens for a reason and there was more underlying this situation than he first thought.

My friend then said that he was thinking of trying to track his tenant down to prosecute him. I suggested that we are all at different stages of spiritual development. I said, “For someone to leave your flat as this man did, would indicate that from a spiritual viewpoint, this person is still a child. We have all done things we regret and have accrued karmic debt along the way. This debt we have to repay.” 

I told my friend that one of the quickest ways of removing our own karma is to forgive others who violate you. This is a very powerful way of removing your own karmic debt, because it is so difficult to do. In other words, this unpleasant situation was an opportunity for positive change for him.

I would like to illustrate this point further to show that by changing our views, we can change a situation. I will use three actual examples; firstly the government’s decision making, secondly a journalist’s unhelpful focal point and thirdly a religious leader’s concerns.

Last Saturday saw both peaceful and violent demonstrations in London over government cuts. Politicians condemned the violence and those MPs responsible for the cuts claimed they were necessary. However, according to the government census website, the 2011 “Census will cost around £500 million for England and Wales over the period 2005-2016.” This is said to be necessary to, “Help plan around £100 billion in public service funding in England and Wales.” 

A census that researches our religious beliefs and our qualifications has little to do with planning funding, but more to do with controlling the populous and keeping tabs on them. It is therefore, insensitive and unacceptable to be spending enormous amounts of public money on such ventures, when massive cuts have been made to the welfare of so many people struggling to survive.

On Monday 28th March 2011 at 0738 on the BBC’s Today programme, Commander Bob Broadhurst in charge of policing Saturday's protest, explained how police dealt with the disorder. The journalist and interviewer John Humphrys focused on “Why did the police not see it coming and why did they not stop it?” 

The five-minute interview dominated the only reference to the weekend’s protest by blaming the police for not controlling the situation. This media coverage would have been an opportunity for the interviewer to look at why thousands of ordinary, peaceful people left the comfort of their homes to protest for what they strongly believe. Instead the journalist chose to concentrate on the two hundred troublemakers who caused disruption.
The following day on Tuesday 29th March at 0748 also on the BBC’s Today programme with ‘Thought for the Day’, the Reverend Lucy Winkett discussed the protest in her words as, ‘It was the anonymity of some of the protesters that disturbed me.” 

However, by listening to these youths as to why their frustration had surfaced and offering guidance and support to them may have been more productive, than the paralysis of fear.
So did these three views help to heal the situation or did they add to the sense of frustration and paralysis?

These views concentrate on three themes. They are – deception, judgement and of course fear.

However, there are three solutions to the problems of fear and intolerance. They are – honesty, forgiveness and acceptance.

We must do everything for the higher good if we are to be successful in our aims. If the politician genuinely uses public money for that purpose, they will be allowed to continue in service to the public. If not, they will be removed.

If the journalist encourages the voice of reason, rather than pander to ego and self-righteousness, then these unpleasant events will no longer continue.
And lastly how can we understand the reality of the event that Reverend Lucy Winkett discussed? We do this through acceptance. A Master understands that all is as it should be and there is a reason why such things happen. Once we accept, then we can do much about changing the situation.
If you place a pot of water on a stove for long enough, eventually your neglect will cause a fire. If we continue to neglect the weak and the ignorant and choose to chastise them rather than help them, we will suffer the consequences.

None of us understand the difficult lives some of these youths have endured, nor do we have the right to judge another. This is a time of healing and therefore not condemnation.

My drawing above illustrates a poem I wrote called ‘Change,’ which is taken from ‘The Angel Book of Hours.’ The poem is based on a conversation I had with a young lady and the response I gave was given with the help of my guardian angel and spirit guides. I have included the poem below. 


“We’ve always had these wars,” she said,
“I fear we always will.
The process of protecting us,
And so the need to kill.

Those people who believe that we
Should all just dress like them.
But I believe in someone,
Who was born in Bethlehem.

They want to build their temples,
That would look so out of place.
And if we tried to do the same,
They’d say, ‘It’s a disgrace.’

And so I treat the people,
That I like with great respect.
And those I cannot live with,
Then their presence I forget.”

He said, “Your view is really not
The way to carry on.
For surely it’s the reason,
Why our Father sent His son.

We teach by pure example
Showing love to every race.
To change the World, then we must change,
To make a better place.

Just look at how the World has changed,
Two hundred years ago,
Our country mothered slavery,
But let the people go.

In darker times the animals
Would not behave like us,
Barbaric, cruel intentions,
For a trinket or a crust.

We’re better than we were,
And yes, by God we can improve.
But change will only happen,
If these feelings we remove.

Just focus on acceptance,
That we have a different voice,
And who we choose to worship
Is by rights a human choice.

Forget about the way a temple
Looks within a space.
It’s likely in another life,
You had a foreign face.

Remember we are civilised,
And won’t remove a hand,
Because the loaf we stole,
Is but a tiny grain of sand.

So show the face of charity,
For you have more than they,
And God will thus reward you,
That you changed the World today.”

'Change' taken from 'The Angel Book of Hours,' by Lucian Eyers © 2011