Friday, 10 June 2011

Wisdom of the Week – Heaven on Earth

Lucian Eyers © 2010

I explained to a man I met this week that due to the shift of vibration to our planet, we will see once more – Heaven on Earth. He said with assured authority, “We have never had Heaven on Earth before”. I replied that we had, albeit for a short period, (1,500 years) which was in the reign of Golden Atlantis.
After that the man said very little, either because I was discussing something he had limited knowledge of – or because he thought I was totally mad.
It is this assumption that there are some things that are impossible to achieve, that I wish to focus on.
Heaven is situated in the 7th dimension, which is why it is often described as ‘Seventh Heaven’.  It is a place where angels and unicorns dwell. It is a place of healing and peace. If you believe you can be there and raise your frequency to this level, then you can spend time here once you have passed over.
I have kept this blog short as I wish you to focus on this thought – the key to discovering Heaven is to no longer condemn those who disgust you to a life of Hell. This is difficult to do but is instrumental in liberating us all.
When someone who has committed terrible deeds dies, they go to a place of healing. If they show regret for their actions, then they are able to continue their soul’s lessons in the inner planes before embarking on another life in a physical form. If during this time others send thoughts of condemnation, then this will have dire consequences to the sickened soul. In contrast by sending mercy and forgiveness, this will enable them to recover and to learn how to open their hearts and engage in a life with love. Heaven on Earth is therefore within our own grasp. We should not see ourselves as the victims of other people’s bad actions. Instead we experience consequences when we are reluctant to change our own hearts. So quick we are to condemn, yet we may take a lifetime to forgive. The heart of God is mercy. Be like Him and Heaven will stretch before you.
The picture above illustrates a poem I wrote called, ‘Heaven is in your Heart’ and is taken from my book ‘The Angel Book of Hours’. The heart is a place of wisdom and serenity. It expresses kindness and humility. When we use our hearts we use the best of ourselves. The poem reminds you how beautiful you can be. If you would like to purchase 'The Angel Book of Hours' you can as an eBook via our website at:

Picture from the poem ‘Heaven is in your Heart’ taken from ‘The Angel Book of Hours’ by Lucian Eyers © 2010


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